The Bitch in The House

We are thrilled to welcome New York Times bestselling author Cathi Hanauer at Chateau De Bardouly for a five day intensive memoir writing workshop in the beautiful setting of the Bordeaux region of France. The writing workshop will help you focus and develop your ideas or edit what you have already been working on. You can write all day and night, do morning or evening yoga, eat delicious farm to table food prepared by a local chef, take walks by the Dordogne river contemplating your writing along the way. It will take place from the 23rd to 29th of October, 2021. For more information contact, Cynthia Poirier or Lisa Le Goater at

Cathi Hanauer is the New York Times bestselling author of three novels—Gone, Sweet Ruin, and My Sister’s Bones—and editor of two essay anthologies, The Bitch in the House and The Bitch is back, which was an NPR “Best Book” of 2016. She has written articles, essays, and criticism for The New York Times, Elle, O, Real Simple, Refinery 29, and numerous other publications; has contributed to many essay anthologies; and is the co-founder, along with her husband, Daniel Jones, of the New York Times “Modern Love” column.

Chateau de Bardouly nestled in the rolling hills of the Dordogne River Valley. It is a region rich with a rich literary tradition: Michel de Montaigne penned his ‘Essays’ at his castle nearby. Marguerite Duras spent her summers honing her craft in the peaceful environs. Henri Miller lived in the Dordogne, wrote about it extensively and felt that it inspired much of his work. Bardouly is a writer’s dream. Besides the tranquil surrounding, each room is equipped with a writing desk and comfy chair. The library, which was built by the same artisans who created the Petit Trianon at Versailles and one can peruse an array of French and English first editions. The owners private collection of books numbers in the thousands and are available to all guests attending writing workshops.

We do hope that you can join Cathi for this wonderful workshop.